Friday, April 28, 2017

#HotelTacoma 2017

Do you remember the incredible 3-day Toyota festival famously branded "Hotel Tacoma" from last year? Arizona was lucky enough to host this outdoor extravaganza in 2016 and have turned the reigns over to coastal Oregon for this year.

Hotel Tacoma is unlike any automotive event you've ever attended because it's not actually centered around the automotive industry. The focus of it is to recenter yourself and explore the world's biggest playground — the great outdoors. While it has no official website, Hotel Tacoma has been prosperously circulated via social media. You can be a part of the outdoor adventure event even from afar by following the hashtag #HotelTacoma. Thousands of users are posting pictures of their beloved Tacoma, other Toyota models, and the spectacular joy of using them to camp and run wild in the Oregonian nature.

After #HotelTacoma concludes, the Toyota bandwagon is heading to one of the biggest music festivals in the United States, Stagecoach. Even if you're not going heading down to California to soak in as much country music as possible, Toyota's got you covered. Follow the fun by exploring the hashtags #ToyotaMusic and #Stagecoach.

We already knew that Toyota takes adventure to a whole different level — now, they're combining music and nature. This is a brand we're thrilled to be a part of!

Feel free to check out our selection of Tacoma models in our inventory while you're jamming out to this summer's tunes.